Wasif Jalal

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Hi, welcome to my portfolio! I’m Wasif Jalal, an undergraduate senior, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. As a full-stack developer and machine learning enthusiast, I’m passionate about bioinformatics, with a focus on longevity and aging research. My expertise spans programming languages like C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks like ReactJS and Node.js.

I’ve worked on projects such as BusBuddy, a smart transportation solution designed to enhance commuting efficiency, and I’m currently exploring brain-age estimation and genomic age prediction models through innovative applications of machine learning. Whether it’s computer vision, biomedical image analysis, or longevity research, I’m always eager to collaborate and create impactful solutions. Let’s connect!

Live Projects

Check out my live projects here! To explore more of my projects, visit the Projects page. To learn about my research projects, check out my resume.

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A mobile app for universities, enabling ticket purchases, bus tracking, schedules, and predictive algorithms

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E-ticketing and Route planning platform for Bangladesh Railway

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Simple cross-platform chat and file sharing web app that kept us connected during a political crisis

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A web-based 8-puzzle solver platform that runs on a native n-puzzle solver program.

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A 2D topdown driving simulator on live Google maps with navigation