
A growing collection of my projects.


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A mobile app for universities, enabling ticket purchases, bus tracking, schedules, and predictive algorithms

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E-ticketing and Route planning platform for Bangladesh Railway

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Simple cross-platform chat and file sharing web app that kept us connected during a political crisis


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A remake of the classic DX-Ball built with OpenGL and SDL2

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A hardware racing game built with Arduino microcontrollers

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A web-based 8-puzzle solver platform that runs on a native n-puzzle solver program.

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A 2D topdown driving simulator on live Google maps with navigation

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website for the BUET CSE Fest 2024 Treasure Hunt

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A small app for playing with sinusoidal curves and tweaking them to gain an intuition into their properties


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A hardware implementation of a 4-bit CPU that runs on the MIPS instruction set

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A compiler for a subset of the C-langauge for the Intel 8086 CPU, made from scratch

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A hardware implementation of a 4-bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit

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A raytracing and rasterization pipeline implemented from scratch in C++ with OpenGL

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A simple football player/club management system made with JavaFX.