A hardware implementation of a 4-bit CPU that runs on the MIPS instruction set


This assignment focused on designing a 4-bit processor implementing a reduced MIPS instruction set architecture (ISA). The processor performs arithmetic, logical, and I/O operations in one clock cycle per instruction. Key components designed include a 4-bit ALU, program counter, instruction memory, data memory, register files, and a control unit.

Datapath with Control Hardware implimentation.

Key Features

  1. A simplified 16-bit MIPS instruction set.
  2. Modular components for instruction execution.
  3. Efficient datapath for instruction fetching and execution.


1. 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

  • Functionality: Performs all arithmetic (e.g., addition, subtraction) and logical operations (e.g., AND, OR).
  • Use:
    • Address calculations for memory operations.
    • Jump and branch address computations.
  • Features: Produces outputs and a zero flag to indicate branching conditions.

4-bit ALU
4-bit ALU design.

2. Program Counter (PC)

  • Functionality: A 4-bit D flip-flop storing the address of the current instruction.
  • Operation: Automatically increments by 1 after each instruction. Resets to 0 on system restart.

Program Counter
Program Counter design.

3. Instruction Memory

  • Role: Stores prefetch instructions in a 16-bit format, divided into:
    • Opcode (4 bits).
    • Register addresses or immediate values (12 bits).
  • Operation: Outputs instructions incrementally based on the program counter.

Instruction Memory
Instruction Memory design.

4. Data Memory

  • Functionality: Main memory storing 4-bit data values.
  • Operation:
    • Read operations (lw instruction).
    • Write operations (sw instruction).

Data Memory
Data Memory design.

5. Register Files

  • Registers Used: $zero, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $t4.
  • Functionality: Temporary storage for intermediate values during execution.
  • Operation: Supports two read ports and one write port per clock cycle.

Register Files
Register Files design.

6. Control Unit

  • Role: Generates control signals for directing operations in the processor.
  • Features:
    • Selector bits for multiplexers (MUXs).
    • ALU control signals based on opcode.

Control Unit
Control Unit design.

Instruction Formats

Instruction Types

  1. R-Type: Arithmetic operations using registers.
  2. I-Type: Data transfer and immediate value operations.
  3. J-Type: Jump operations.
  4. S-Type: Custom format for shift operations.

Format Details

  • R-Type:
    • Opcode (4 bits) Src Reg 1 (4 bits) Src Reg 2 (4 bits) Dest Reg (4 bits)
  • S-Type:
    • Opcode (4 bits) Src Reg 1 (4 bits) Dest Reg (4 bits) Shift Amount (4 bits)
  • I-Type:
    • Opcode (4 bits) Src Reg 1 (4 bits) Src/Dest Reg (4 bits) Address/Immediate (4 bits)
  • J-Type:
    • Opcode (4 bits) Target Jump Address (8 bits) Unused (4 bits)

Execution Workflow

Machine Code Generation

  1. Write assembly code in assembly1.txt.
  2. Generate .hex and .bin files using the provided C program.


  • Software: Load .hex file into Logisim-ITA to simulate.
  • Hardware: Burn instructions onto ATMEGA32 microcontroller.


  1. Provide clock pulses for instruction fetching and execution.
  2. Observe outputs on both simulation and hardware setups.

IC Count

Component IC Used Quantity
Quad 2-to-1 Line MUX IC74157 8
4-bit Adder IC7483 4
8-bit D Flip-Flop IC74273 1
Microcontroller ATMEGA32 5


  • Achievements:
    • Designed a reduced MIPS instruction set processor with added S-type instructions.
    • Successfully implemented stack pointer ($sp) functionality.
  • Challenges:
    • Ensured all hardware connections were intact through rigorous testing.
    • Debugged simulation and hardware inconsistencies.
  • Learnings:
    • Gained an in-depth understanding of MIPS instructions and datapath design.
    • Improved skills in both software simulation and hardware implementation.

Overall Circuit Diagram:
Datapath with Control
Overall Datapath with Control.

Stack Operations

  • Push: Stores a register value onto the stack and decrements $sp.
    subi $sp, $sp, 1
    sw $tx, 0($sp)
  • Pop: Loads a value from the stack and increments $sp.
    lw $tx, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, 1

    Cringe selfie after being awake for several nights.